Asplenium nidus & rough cast aluminium bowl

  • Crocus combinations

Asplenium nidus & rough cast aluminium bowl

Buy all 2 items for the combination
  • shipped within 2 weeks
  • Total: £43.98

  • Position: indirect light
  • Soil: good potting compost
  • Rate of growth: slow
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current height: approximately 20cm (including pot)

    Lance-shaped fronds, each with a slightly wavy edge, form a distinctive shuttlecock-like effect. Initially the fronds of this asplenium are a light lime green, however they soon mature to a deeper, richer green. It has a really striking silhouette, so it looks good on its own, but it can also be used in a mixed indoor arrangement, where it will add structural interest to plants with a much softer leaf shape.

    The rugged aluminium bowl planter is cast by hand, resulting in unique imperfections that give it a beautifully unpolished charm.

  • Home care: Avoid handling the newly emerging fronds and water regularly in the growing season so that the compost remains moist but not waterlogged. Mist the leaves regularly with water - particularly in winter when the central heating is turned on. Maintain temperatures above 10°C in winter and repot in spring when the plant becomes root-bound.

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Rough cast aluminium bowl
bird’s nest fern