Pteris nipponica - white-striped Cretan brake & pot combination

  • Crocus combinations

Pteris nipponica - white-striped Cretan brake & pot combination

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  • In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
  • Total: £21.98

  • Position: bright, indirect light
  • Soil: good potting compost
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current height: approximately 30cm (including pot)
  • Pot cover: includes a 14cm Tivoli cement planter

    This pretty fern has slender, finger-like fronds, each of which has a ruffled trim and a cream and green variegation. Forming on a slowly spreading rhizome and topping slender stems, they create a rather lacy, ethereal effect. The plant will be sent out with a stylish pot cover, so once everything is unwrapped, it can be popped straight in and then placed onto a tabletop or shelf.

  • Home care: Keep the compost moist (but not waterlogged) at all times, but this can be cut back a little in winter, and place in a bright spot away from direct sunlight. These ferns love a humid atmosphere, so mist the leaves regularly with water and/or place the pot on pebbles in a tray filled with water. Maintain temperatures above 10°C in winter and avoid summer temperatures above 25°C. Repot in spring when the plant becomes root-bound.

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white-striped Cretan brake ( syn. Pteris cretica Albolineata )
Ceramic plant pot - cement grey