Goeppertia 'Freddie'

zebra plant

Eventual height & spread

Goeppertia 'Freddie'

zebra plant

  • 15cm pot | 35cm tall
  • £14.99
  • available to order from mid summer
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Position: bright but indirect light
  • Soil: general-purpose potting compost
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current height: approximately 35cm (+ or - 10% including the pot)
  • Pot cover: choose a 16cm pot cover to give a good fit over the pot

    Bright green foliage with zebra-like dark green markings emerging from the mid-rib of the leaf, ‘Freddie’ is a tender evergreen perennial, native to Brazil. Previously classified as Calathea and Maranta, this tropical zebra prefers bright, but indirect light. Some call this a prayer plant, the leaves open during the day and close at night, symbolising the act of praying.

    Please note that the pot in the photograph is not supplied with the plant (which is sent out in a simple nursery alternative), but we have a wide and wonderful range on our website to choose from.

  • Home care: Originating from tropical regions, they prefer stable temperatures (above 15°C) and a well-lit position with bright, indirect light (think steamy jungle!) Keep well watered during spring and summer, reducing frequency of watering (and amount of water) in winter. Maintain high humidity, regularly misting with water and/or sit the pot on a tray of washed horticultural gravel/small pebbles. During the growing season feed regularly with a liquid houseplant fertiliser. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to keep them dust free.

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