Streptocarpus collection of 5 plants

cape primrose / streptocarpus collection

Eventual height & spread

Streptocarpus collection of 5 plants

cape primrose / streptocarpus collection

  • 1 × collection
  • £27.99 £34.99
  • shipped within 1 Week
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Position: Partial shade
  • Soil: Peat free, general-purpose potting compost
  • Rate of growth: Average
  • Flowering period: Usually throughout the year
  • Hardiness: Frost tender
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    Grown for their showy flowers, which come in a wide range of colours, these tender perennials make superb houseplants. They will flower from mid-spring to mid-autumn and tend to bloom more prolifically when slightly pot-bound. Mainly originating from woodland, rocky slopes and grassland in southern Africa, they require a frost-free position with filtered sun.

    We’re proud to support our British growers, and having been raised by one of our trusted UK nurseries, this indoor plant has a low carbon footprint, which makes it perfect for an eco-friendly collection or gift.

    In this collection you will receive one plug plant of each of the following varieties:

  • Streptocarpus 'Harlequin Lace': Larger than average flowers, each with an intricate pattern of purple-blue veins on their three lower lobes, appear in profusion for up to ten months of the year on these compact plants. Grows to 24cm.

  • Streptocarpus 'Gwen': This variety produces a large head of purple flushed white flowers, which almost smother the foliage. Grows to 32cm.

  • Streptocarpus 'Roulette Azur': Large, distinctly bicoloured flowers, each with a generous white eye and deep royal blue petal lobes, put on a colourful and prolonged show above the compact foliage. Grows to 34cm.

  • Streptocarpus 'Hannah': Relatively compact mounds of mid-green foliage are topped with a mass of flowers for the majority of the year. Initially blush pink with a yellow eye that is pencilled with short maroon lines, the flowers darken within a few days of opening to mid-pink. Grows to 27cm.

  • Streptocarpus 'Hope': A flash of yellow in the throat, and white-flushed upper lobes, make these vibrant pinkish-red flowers really stand out above the strap-shaped, mid-green foliage. Grows to 30cm.

  • Home care:
    Water regularly during the growing season, allowing the compost to get a little dry in between; during this time they should be fed with a high potash fertiliser. Overwinter in a shaded greenhouse, or indoors on a south or west-facing windowsill, watering less often. Repot each spring into a slightly larger, shallow pot filled with fibre-based compost. They can also be used as summer bedding - grow in fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil in partial shade.