Bamboo control system

Bamboo control system

Bamboo control system

Bamboo control system

  • 10m roll
  • £99.99
  • sold out
  • 5m roll
  • £52.99
  • sold out
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
The bamboo control system is used to create beautiful areas of bamboo that add sound and movement to your garden. Rhizomes are underground stems that run parallel to the surface and can travel a considerable distance from the original plant. The Bamboo control system acts as a root barrier and prevents the rhizomes spreading. Instead they are directed to the surface and transformed into foliated growth therefore a fuller bush will be achieved. When rhizomes reach the barrier they will then be directed upwards naturally. Using this system a bamboo bush can be grown in an exact area and can be as large or as small as desired.


  • Thickness: 1mm
  • Height: 69cm

Please note we sell a variety of lengths so please select the required length from the list above.

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