Aeschynanthus 'Mona Lisa'

lipstick plant

Eventual height & spread

Aeschynanthus 'Mona Lisa'

lipstick plant

  • 15cm pot | hanging pot
  • £29.99
  • available to order from summer
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Position: bright but indirect light
  • Soil: good potting compost
  • Rate of growth: fast-growing
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current height: approximately 45cm (+ or - 10% including the pot)
  • Pot: supplied in a hanging pot ready to hang

    Commonly called the lipstick plant because of the tubular scarlet flowers, which are held near the tips of the trailing stems by a darker sheath-like calyx. This eye-catching plant looks great cascading over the edges of the pot - even when not in bloom!

  • Home care: Although not difficult to grow they do have certain requirements. They are used to the humidity of tropical rainforests so mist the leaves regularly and keep them warm. Don't let the temperature fall below 55°F or 13°C and keep away from draughts. Water regularly with tepid kettle or rain water from spring to autumn, reducing in the winter to allow the plant a rest with slightly cooler temperatures. Feed regularly through the growing season with a balanced houseplant fertiliser.

    Please note: all our indoor hanging pots include drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. We recommend taking them down to water in the sinkor on a saucer, and leaving them to drain before rehanging.

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