Shop Alpines & rockeries
- Alpines & rockeries
- Facing : West
- Special features : Plants that will cope with the odd football
- Position : Front of border
Ajuga reptans Atropurpurea
£6.99 - £29.99
Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow
£4.19 - £18.90
Ajuga reptans Catlin's Giant
£6.99 - £29.99
Erica carnea f. alba Whitehall
£4.89 - £12.60
Ajuga reptans
Ajuga tenorei Valfredda
£3.59 - £16.20
Santolina chamaecyparissus
£3.59 - £16.99
Alchemilla erythropoda
£6.99 - £33.00
Iberis sempervirens Appen-Etz
£7.99 - £19.99
Viola labradorica
£7.99 - £27.00
Veronica Red Edge