Shop Plants
- Soil type : Acid
- Soil type : Normal
- Flowering month : September
- Attractive to wildlife : Attractive to wildlife
- Position : Steep banks
Caryopteris × clandonensis Hint of Gold ('Lisaura') (PBR)
Offer was £22.99 £13.79
Geranium macrorrhizum
£7.99 - £19.99
Geranium Dreamland ('Bremdream') (PBR)
£7.55 - £17.35
Geranium Rozanne ('Gerwat') (PBR)
£9.79 - £49.79
Caryopteris × clandonensis Heavenly Blue
Offer was £22.99 £13.79
Potentilla fruticosa Primrose Beauty
£23.99 - £54.99
Caryopteris × clandonensis Dark Knight
Offer was £19.99 £11.99
Potentilla fruticosa Pink Beauty
Offer was £21.99 £15.39
Geranium wallichianum Kelly Anne (PBR)
£19.99 - £49.99
Potentilla fruticosa Bella Lindsey ('Hendlin') (PBR)
Offer was £22.99 £18.39
Geranium nodosum
£9.99 - £24.00