squash 'Vegetable Spaghetti'

squash or Cucurbita pepo

Eventual height & spread

squash 'Vegetable Spaghetti'

squash or Cucurbita pepo

  • approx 8 seeds
  • £2.79
  • available to order from mid summer
Delivery options
  • Seed Packets (only) £2.95
  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: fertile with additional organic matter

    The vegetable that thinks it's a pasta! A big, pumpkin-like plant which scrambles vigorously across a wide area, this summer squash produces pale yellow fruits 20cm long, whose flesh separates out into spaghetti-like strands after cooking. Cut in half and bake in its skin with garlic and butter, then scoop out the flesh with a fork for a deliciously fragrant side salad. The flowers are edible too, although you should use the male flowers and remove the pistil first. They are very tasty dipped in batter and then deep fried.

  • Growing Instructions:Sow two seeds to a 10cm pot in late spring in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill. Pot on seedlings as they grow, then harden off carefully and plant out in a sunny, sheltered spot once all threat of frost has passed. Leave 90cm between each plant and protect from slugs. Cut the last of the fruits before the first frosts leaving some stalk attached and they will store for several months somewhere dry and cool.

  • Sow: April-May

  • Harvest: July-October
  • Humans/Pets: If crop is bitter, don't eat or feed to pets

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