Hydrangea Sheila & pot combination
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- Unavailable
Please note some items are unavailable - Total: £74.99
- Position: full sun or partial shade
- Compost: a good soil-based compost such as John Innes No.3 for pink flowers, or ericaceous compost for mauve to blue flowers.
- Rate of growth: average
- Flowering period: July to September
- Hardiness: fully hardy
Hydrangeas work really well in pots as they flower for months on end. 'Sheila' was initailly bred for the cut flower market, so its blooms are really something special, and it will flourish in partially shaded positions. It is currently in a 2lt pot, but it is ready to be planted up into the terracotta arc pot. This classic pot has been hand-thrown in Turkey using clay that will develop a beautiful patina as it ages. It is also fired at a very high temperature, so it shows an excellent resistance to frost. The pot measures 53cm in diameter and 45cm high, so it will give the hydrangea plenty of room to grow. - Garden care: Keep well watered, particularly if grown in sunnier spots and apply a balanced slow release fertiliser in spring. To enhance flowering prune the hydrangea in spring, cutting back the flowered stems to a strong pair of buds below each dried flower-head. Once established, remove a quarter to a third of the old shoots to the base of the plant.
items included (click on thumbnail for more info)
- Plant
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- Hydrangea macrophylla 'Sheila' (Dutch Ladies Series)
- Price £0.00
- Qty 0 (unavailable)
- available to order from spring
- Total £0.00
- Terracotta arc pot
- Price £74.99
- Qty 1
- In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
- Total £74.99