Primula 'Elle'


Eventual height & spread

Primula 'Elle'


  • 9cm pot
  • £6.99
  • In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
  • 2 + 1 FREE 9cm pots
  • £13.98 £20.97
  • In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Next/Named Day £10.95
  • Position: partial shade
  • Soil: moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil, or general-purpose potting compost for containers
  • Rate of growth: average to fast
  • Flowering period: January to April
  • Hardiness:fully hardy

A stunning, ‘bridal bouquet-esque’ early flowering primrose with fully double, whorled in bud, ivory-white flowers erupting from a rosette of tidy green foliage. ‘Elle’ captivates with its rose-unfurling elegance but looks are deceiving as this pretty primula is completely frost hardy and weather resistant, though would also make a glamorous interior pot plant or table centre decoration for a bright but indirectly lit spot.

  • Garden care:
    Plant out in a partially shaded and sheltered position, adding plenty of leaf mould and compost to the planting hole and backfill. Water well until established. Divide large clumps in late spring or early summer after the plant has flowered, preferably during a wet spell.