Interactive solitary bee hive

Interactive solitary bee hive

Interactive solitary bee hive

Interactive solitary bee hive

  • £36.99
  • In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Named Day £10.95
  • Responsibly sourced wood
  • Lifting roof for observation
  • Attracts beneficial pollinators

A hands-on way to teach children about wildlife, this fun wooden beehive includes a lifting roof and stacking trays that can be carefully opened to see the formation of small cells where eggs have been laid.

Made from chemical-free sustainable timber, the hive is designed especially to appeal to non-aggressive solitary species including the red mason and leafcutter bee. These friendly and industrious bees are born pollinators, making them very welcome visitors to the garden!

They are attracted to holes in wood, bramble stems, etc and will really appreciate a helping hand as it is becoming ever harder to find suitable natural holes in modern gardens.

For best results, mount your hive in a sunny position facing south or south east to catch some morning sun, no higher than 1.5m off the ground.

To protect full tubes once bees have laid their larvae in summer, use some sturdy metal mesh to keep out woodpeckers and other large birds.

17cm × 16cm × 18cm

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