Jasminum polyanthum - jasmine and pot & pot cover combination

  • Crocus combinations

Jasminum polyanthum - jasmine and pot & pot cover combination

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  • Total: £4.59

  • Position: bright filtered light
  • Soil: good potting compost
  • Rate of growth: average to fast
  • Flowering period: late winter to spring
  • Hardiness: tender (will need winter protection)
  • Current height: approximately 45cm (including pot)
  • Pot cover: includes a 14cm pot cover

    This twining climber is much sought-after for its heavenly scented white flowers, which appear en masse in late winter and spring. It makes an excellent conservatory plant, where it can be used to clothe an unsightly wall. This one has already been trained onto a wire hoop, but if given something larger to scramble onto (such as a taller wigwam of canes or a trellis panel), it will soon start to cover it. Supplied with a sturdy bright white plastic pot cover.

  • Garden care: Maintain temperatures above 10°C in winter, and if you wish, you can move it to a sunny patio with shade from midday sun during the summer. Feed every two weeks during the growing season with a balanced liquid fertiliser. Prune to fit the growing frame in late winter or early spring.

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scented Chinese jasmine
Round plant pot - white