basil 'Purple Ruffles'

basil or Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens 'Purple Ruffles'

Eventual height & spread

basil 'Purple Ruffles'

basil or Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens 'Purple Ruffles'

  • approx 200 seeds
  • £2.12 £2.49
  • In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Delivery options
  • Seed Packets (only) £2.95
  • Next/Named Day £10.95
  • Position: Full sun, sheltered and warm or a sunny windowsill
  • Soil: Fertile, moist but well drained
  • Rate of growth: Average
  • Hardiness: Tender (will need winter protection)

  • Decorative as well as tasty and nutritious, the dark purple leaves of this herb have a fringed edge and quilted appearance. Ideal for adding contrasting colour to the kitchen garden, they look wonderful when added to salads or used as a garnish. Pick plants over regularly to prevent bolting (running to seed) and to encourage lots of fresh young leaves.

  • Garden care: Pick plants over regularly and remove any developing flowerheads immediately to prevent bolting (running to seed) and to encourage lots of fresh young leaves.

  • Sowing instructions:
    Sow seeds into pots of free-draining seed compost on a warm, sunny windowsill or in a greenhouse from late spring. Protect seedlings from slugs and cold and keep well-watered as they grow. Plant out into the herb garden or into roomy pots or troughs from early summer, after all threat of frost has passed, allowing 15-20cm between plants.

  • Sow: April to June

  • Harvest: July to September

  • Approximate quantity: 200

Goes well with