Attracting wildlife seed combination

Attracting wildlife seed combination

Attracting wildlife seed combination

Attracting wildlife seed combination

  • packets of seeds
  • £7.07
  • available to order from mid summer
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
    The seeds in this collection will grow to produce beautiful flowers, which pollinating insects like red mason bees (they don't swarm and rarely sting) will find irresistable. Having these pollinators in your garden will also help increase the production of flowers on many of your other plants too!

    In this collection you will receive one packet of seed for each of the following varieties:

    • Digitalis purpurea: Iconic woodland flowers that are found growing throughout the UK, foxgloves will often carry on flowering for several weeks in summer. Opening upwards from the base of the flower-spike, each thimble-like, pink or purple flower is freckled inside its throat with maroon. Allow them to self seed and they form large, naturalised swathes. Digitalis are great for adding vertical interest to the border. Seed packets contain approximately 1,000 seeds. Grows to 2m.

    • Hesperis matronalis: Sweet rocket is most at home in an informal herbaceous border, or when left to naturalise in a wildlife-friendly garden. The deliciously scented, pale lilac flowers form in loose clusters and their perfume will fill the air late spring and early summer evenings. They are also edible and look great sprinkled over salads. Although relatively short-lived, it self-seeds freely. Seed packets contain approximately 500 seeds. Grows to 90cm.

    • Ammi majus: Dainty white summer flower-heads, which look like fine lacework, hover in a frothy haze above the finely cut, green foliage. Often used by florists to add an ethereal, romantic feel to bouquets, it looks a delight in the garden and has quite an architectural feel. Finches will also find the autumn seed heads attractive. Seed packets contain approximately 500 seeds. Grows to 1.5m.

  • Planting tips:
    Each packet of seed will come with their own growing instructions, which should be followed closely. As the seedlings grow, pinch out the growing tips to encourage bushier growth and protect them from hungry slugs and snails. When plants start to bloom, removing the spent flowerheads regularly will encourage even more to form - and help prolong the display. Towards the end of the season (and if you want the plants to self-seed), allow some of the seedheads to develop fully.