Zizia aurea

golden alexanders

Eventual height & spread

Zizia aurea

golden alexanders

  • 2 litre pot
  • £16.99
  • available to order from mid summer
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Position: full sun or partial shade
  • Soil: fertile, moist but freely draining soil
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: May to July
  • Hardiness: fully hardy (but sometimes short-lived)

    An herbaceous perennial wildflower with upright, branching stems and flat topped clusters of long-blooming, bright yellow flowers followed by attractive, deep plum seed heads. The glossy, pinnate leaves are typical of a member of the carrot family and complement the golden umbels above. A great short-lived perennial naturaliser and early season nectar source for butterflies and bees, Zizia aurea spreads happily by seed to form large patches to give your cottage, informal, or prairie inspired wild garden a real early season boost.

  • Garden care: Zizia may need staking - particularly in more exposed positions. Avoid cutting back some of the flowers before they have had a chance to set seed if you want them to proliferate the following year.