Pre-planted 'drop in' bulbs for a designer pot - Yellow & blue

Ready to plant, Plant-o-tray

Pre-planted 'drop in' bulbs for a designer pot - Yellow & blue

Ready to plant, Plant-o-tray

  • Plant-o-tray
  • £12.99
  • available to order from autumn
Delivery options
  • Bulbs (only) £4.95
  • Position: full sun or partial shade
  • Soil: well-drained soil
  • Rate of growth: fast-growing
  • Flowering period: late February to April
  • Hardiness: fully hardy

    This pre-planted and biodegradable 24cm diameter tray of 'drop in' bulbs provides a super simple way to create a stunning spring display.

  • Please note: The pot in the photo is not included.

    Each tray has been planted with:

    3 × Narcissus 'Tête-à-tête': Clusters of up to three deep golden-yellow flowers with slightly reflexed petals and deep yellow cups appear in March and April above the narrow, strap-shaped leaves. One of the most popular forms, this delightful dwarf narcissus makes a fabulous early spring display.

    12 × Muscari armeniacum: Charming, cone-shaped spikes of tiny, mid-blue flowers appear in April and May above the grass-like, mid-green leaves.

  • Garden care: After flowering deadhead and apply a balanced liquid fertiliser each week for the first month. Once the foliage has died down naturally lift the bulbs and store in a cool greenhouse, or plant them out and let them naturalise.
  • Humans/Pets: Ornamental bulbs - not to be eaten