Dipsacus fullonum


Eventual height & spread

Dipsacus fullonum


  • approx 150 seeds
  • £2.54 £2.99
  • In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
  • 9cm pot
  • £5.94 £6.99
  • available to order from autumn
  • 3 × 9cm pots
  • £15.29 £17.99
  • available to order from autumn
  • 6 × 9cm pots
  • £28.04 £32.99
  • available to order from autumn
Delivery options
  • Seed Packets (only) £2.95
  • Named Day £10.95
  • Position: Full sun or partial shade
  • Soil: Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil
  • Rate of growth: Average
  • Flowering period: July to August
  • Hardiness: Fully hardy (but short-lived)

This much-loved biennial produces rose-purple or white thistle-like flowerheads, which top the long stems in July and August. It adds a structural element to planting, and is perfect for a sunny wildflower border or wildlife garden where it will act as a magnet to bees and goldfinches, which love to feast on the seedheads. These seedheads also dry really well, so will make handsome additions to everlasting arrangements in the home. Commonly known as teasel, its name refers to the spiny heads that were once used for raising or 'teasing out' the nap on fabrics.

  • Garden care:
    Gather flower-heads for use in dried flower arrangements from mid- to late summer before the seedheads begin to ripen. Do make sure you leave some for the birds however - and still have some to scatter their seed, which will ensure a new batch of seedlings in the following year.

  • Sowing instructions:
    Direct-sow shallowly in spring into a well- prepared bed and when the seedlings start to appear, thin to 30cm intervals. Alternatively, start them off in trays and harden off before planting out. Keep well watered. These plants self-seed freely, which is great if you have a large area to colonise. If you do not want more, cut back the plants before they set seed.

  • Sow: September to October or March to May
  • Goes well with