Phragmites australis

common reed

Eventual height & spread

Phragmites australis

common reed

  • 3 × 9cm pots
  • £27.99
  • available to order from spring 2025
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Position: full sun or partial shade
  • Depth of water: 0-xxcm (0-xxin)
  • Rate of growth: fast
  • Flowering period: August to October
  • Hardiness: fully hardy

A towering presence in wetlands, Phragmites australis commands attention with its robust stature. Its expansive clumps spread via rhizomes, creating dense thickets of erect stems adorned with drooping linear leaves that transition to a warm brown hue in autumn. From late summer, striking dark purple flowering panicles emerge, adding a touch of drama to the aquatic and bog garden landscape. This species forms vast reedbeds across the UK, providing vital habitats for a variety of bird species, including the elusive bittern, marsh harrier, and bearded tit. Its tall, hollow stems and feathery flower spikes, initially dark purple but later fading to brown, contribute to its distinct appearance and ecological significance in wetland ecosystems.

  • Garden care:
    Plant this species in deep, fertile soil that remains consistently moist under full sun, ensuring ample space as it can spread quickly if not maintained. To control its growth, consider planting in large containers shallowly submerged in water along lakeshores, or pond margins. These containers not only restrict its expansion but also create ideal habitats for rare and endangered bird species. Trim back the plant in late autumn or winter to manage its growth effectively.
  • Goes well with