Shop Plants
- Soil type : Chalky
- Special conditions : Dry shade
- Flowering month : June
- Attractive to wildlife : Attractive to pollinators
- Soil moisture : Normal
Geranium macrorrhizum
£7.99 - £19.99
Ilex aquifolium J.C. van Tol
£38.99 - £119.99
Ajuga reptans Atropurpurea
£6.99 - £29.99
Geranium Dreamland ('Bremdream') (PBR)
£7.55 - £17.35
Geranium phaeum Album
£8.99 - £39.99
Berberis thunbergii Orange Rocket (PBR)
£24.99 - £54.99
Euonymus europaeus Red Cascade
£13.79 - £89.99
Cotoneaster Cornubia
£24.99 - £119.99
Berberis thunbergii Starburst ('Yanbur') (PBR)
Offer was £19.99 £11.99
Bergenia Abendglut
£9.99 - £45.00
Cotoneaster naoujanensis Berried Treasure
Offer was £19.99 £11.99
Geranium phaeum
£8.99 - £32.79
Geranium phaeum Raven
£9.99 - £27.00
Geranium phaeum var. phaeum Samobor
£5.39 - £14.40
Quercus ilex
£69.99 - £89.99