Shop Plants
- Facing : West
- Special features : Plants that will cope with the odd football
- Attractive to wildlife : Attractive to bees
- Flower colour : Pink
- Hardy : Yes
Rosa Pink Cloud
Chaenomeles × superba Pink Lady
£14.99 - £32.99
Viburnum tinus Eve Price
£19.99 - £43.99
Buddleja Berries and Cream ('Pmoore14') (PBR)
Offer was £24.99 £17.49
Buddleja Little Pink (’BotEx 005’) (PBR) (Butterfly Candy Series)
Offer was £29.99 £17.99
Chaenomeles speciosa Pink Storm (PBR)
Offer was £29.99 £17.99
Pieris japonica Bonfire
Offer was £14.99 £10.49
Pieris japonica Passion (PBR)
Offer was £24.99 £19.99