Shop Plants
- Soil type : Chalky
- Facing : East
- Flowering month : August
- Special features : Plants that will cope with the odd football
- Flower colour : White
Fallopia baldschuanica
£14.99 - £29.99
Rosa White Patio
Escallonia Iveyi
£14.39 - £48.99
Vinca minor f. alba Gertrude Jekyll
£4.79 - £15.60
Carex testacea Prairie Fire
£9.99 - £42.00
Cortaderia selloana Tiny Pampa ('Day1') (PBR)
£22.99 - £49.99
Iberis sempervirens Appen-Etz
£7.99 - £19.99
Ligustrum delavayanum
Offer was £99.99 £59.99
Itea virginica Henry's Garnet
£17.49 - £59.99